Nicholas Morgan Shipman's
Birth Story

Monday, Aug 6, 2001-
I had turned to Morgan in pain, tell him that I was having cramps, and Braxton Hicks contractions that kept getting stronger. Morgan had mentioned to call the office, just to ask what it was, or what to do about it. I tried to put it off, I hate calling, I feel like I'm bothering people. I was having cramping, and contractions that were between 3-5mins apart. The more i had, the more they hurt. After Talking to Morgan, I got online to ask what I could be having, or what to do. They also advised to call the doctors. So I took everyones advice and did call. I called the doctors about 2pm Monday afternoon, told them what was going on. I mentioned, How Morgan and I had had some personal time ( hehe ) that morning, at which I had a gush of fluid, which We thought/think was Pee. Of Course how would you know when your trying to do stuff wether or no it was pee, or amniotic fluid. The cramping and Contractions didn't start till about a half hour to an hour after having sex. I told all this to the nurse. She told us to head over to the hospital to just get checked out. She said, "they will just hook you up, and see whats going on, just to make sure." We headed to the hospital.
I had seen my Ob/Gyn doctor (greatest in the world) Wednesday Aug 1, 2001, and in fact, I had asked my doctor if my Mom & step dad needed to worry about leaving town and possibly me going into labor. Doc said not to worry, and to tell our family to have a safe trip. Little did we ALL know!!!! We walked into the Birthing Center, where I told them , for the last 2 hours, I've had like 15 every hour, and that they gained in pain. We got into a room, and they went ahead and did an internal. We were curious what was going on. It was now 3:30pm Monday Aug 6th, and Morgan was suppose to be to work at 4:30pm, and we were curious, if he could go to work or if he needed to stay so I can get a ride home if I was released before 9pm. The nurse looked at us, and said..... "Well if I were you, I'd call in, cause you wont be leaving here without having a baby... your already 5-6cm's.I totally freaked.
I wasn't ready.
We worked through the contractions, in and out of the Jacuzzi. About 7pm, the doctor (greatest Ob/GYN in the world) Broke my water when at 6-7cms. OHhhhhhhh the pain of the contractions!!!!!!!!!!!! I had gone into this Hospital, thinking if I was going to be in labor, that I was going to try it natural. Well, I tried it Natural.. and talked it over with Morgan. The pain was unbearable.
I then called ASAP for a epidural. I got the epidural about 10pm, and it only worked on my right side. I still felt the pain on the left. OUCH!!!! so we called "JIM" the anesthesiologist came back and finished re-doing the 2nd epidural. Which pretty much worked. "thank goodness!!!" Pain/Pressure increased tremendously till.....
About 2:30am I felt EXTREMELY Painful pressure, and they checked me I was 9cms. The pain got worse. They checked me again at about 2:45am and was 10cm. I started pushing, and at 3:07am. Nicholas Morgan Shipman, our First, our Son was finally Born.
He was Placed on my belly, and wiped off, while Morgan cut the cord. The family was crying for Joy. I was in amazement that I JUST GAVE BIRTH!!! He was adorable, handsome, the absolute cutest baby in the world. Of course, he looks like his daddy, maybe a little like mommy. HEHE
They took him, and checked his Apgar, which was 7/8. They weighed and measured.. and checked him out. He cried a few times. I kept asking if he was ok. They said he was fine.
They placed him on my belly. I held him for maybe a minute. Told him I loved him. I then handed him to Morgan, he held him for less then a minute, and then followed the Nurses and his Newborn son, to the nursery. While I was left alone...
Family came back and talked for a few more moments, after checking on Nicholas. After they left, Morgan and I wheeled down to the Nursery to see my Baby boy.
When I got there I was crying. He was in a incubater/ oxygen Bubble. He was having a ruff time breathing on his own. So they were helping him with that. I touched his finger, and held his tiny hand. I told him again I loved him, with Tears pouring down my face. Feeling like it was my fault he was having troubles.
Tuesday, Aug 7, 2001
We went back to our room to sleep, and to allow Nicholas some rest. We didn't sleep well. I wasnt aloud to get up and go to the bathroom, untill the numbness from the epidural wore off. When I finally did get up around 8am to go to the bathroom, the nurses took me in, and while sitting there, I passed out in the nurses lap. They revied me, and took me back to my bed, where I mentioned, "I'm gonna puke!" and I told em... I did.
I stayed in bed the rest of the day, off and on, walking to the potty, and wheeled to the nursery to see my baby.
Wednesday Aug 8, 2001-
We were going to be release that afternoon, but I was going to be aloud to stay in the C-section rooms so I could be in the same building as baby. However, unfortunatley Nick needed to be, sent to NICU and put under intensive care. He was getting worse. His lungs were just so premature, being he was born at 36wks, 4wks early.
They Rushed him to Kadlec's NICU, where he was watched, and we knew there was a possiblity that he would be put under a resperator, to help him breath. Sure enough, after he was admitted into the NICU he was put on the resperator. He stayed on it untill Saturday, Aug 11, 2001.
Aug 11, 2001,
Was the first time since he was born that we finally got to hold him. He was so fragle and precious. I cried and cried, I was so happy that he was so strong.
Aug 13, 2001,
We finally got to bring Nicholas Morgan Shipman Home. He was a trooper, and made it through the tuff and terrible parts. At this day he weighed 5 lbs 13 oz. His first Pediatric appt was Aug 17 2001 and Doctor was impressed he weighed in at 7 lbs 3 oz. He's doing great. He's a great boy, He's growing, and making us smile. WE LOVE OUR Little Nicholas!!!!!!

Plz Await Pictures to come SOON... VERY SOON!!!


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